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  • Writer's pictureesther c. johnson

The Story Behind the Stories.

I’ve known for a while that I am suppose to be a storyteller. I didn't know to what capacity, and it never seemed quite attainable. It's been one my "joke" careers within my family for at least 10 years , right next to a tattoo artist who only tattoos tasteful things (we have a whole business plan for this one; I just don't have the talent). But, writing has been the one dream of mine that has come up in conversation at our weekly lunches, at least once a month. It started as a joke when I started learning the stories of my family members, sat with my jaw on the floor, and said "These are the kind of stories people would kill to hear. I am going to write a book about this". As time goes on, someone will tell a crazy story, and someone will say "Are you going to add that to the book?". My grandmother has even started a journal of stories from our family for when I can actually sit down and do it. At this point, we have about 12 NY Times Best Sellers, 3 Lifetime movies, and possibly a police report waiting to be written.

I took this dream to college. But, life happened. After almost failing English Literature 1 and English Literature 2, I quickly changed my major from English to Psychology. Why, you may ask (other than the fact I obviously do not care about money)? I chose what I am and will always be passionate about: people. I loved every single one of my Psychology classes, and I didn’t even have to Spark Note Uncle Tom’s Cabin to pass them.

In 2017, I realized why I love people. Every single person on the planet has at least one NY Best Selling story.

In late 2017, God got impatient with me. The word story started following me. I still hear it every day. I still see it everyday. It gives me chills almost every time I notice it. I can’t escape it. believe me. I've tried.

Sometime in 2018, I had a spiritual experience in the stationary aisle of Hobby Lobby (that’s where God speaks to everyone, right?)

I saw a journal. It was bright blue, furry, with hot pink and sequin letters. It was probably created for a middle schooler, but that day it was meant for me. In those huge, obnoxious letters, it said “Tell Your Story”.

Now, I’m sure this would not startle anyone else. But, as someone who was trying to navigate what God was trying to tell them with through the word “story”, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew what it meant, and I was deathly afraid.

I froze, and a small, very stern voice said “You heard me. Tell your story.”

So, as anyone does when they are scolded by God in the middle of Hobby Lobby, I cried through all the aisles, prayed for clarity, and eventually calmed down enough to successfully avoid having a panic attack next to all the rustic bible verse signs!

I had to make myself believe that my story mattered, just like every story matters. I started telling my story to everyone who would listen, and eventually started writing short stories on Facebook. Completely unexpectedly, my friends and family encouraged me to write more on every post.

In 2019, I craved more and more for a creative outlet, and then I heard it again.

Yep. You’re finally getting it! TELL. YOUR. STORY. I know you heard me! JUST WRITE THE STORY!” (I like to picture God as that Shia Labeouf "JUST DO IT!" gif, a Nike ad, or a passionate coach during this experience.)

So, as I promised on one of my last posts, I present to you... Extra Ordinary Stories: Stories from a Mediocre, Jesus-Loving, Married, Millennial!

I haven’t been this excited for something in a long time. I don’t know what comes from this, but I do know that when God tells you to do something, you say sir yes sir and do it...even if it takes you two years to listen. I’m working my BUTT off professionally, still in the world of psychology, but in 2020, I am finally taking the first step of my dream: telling my stories.

It won’t be exciting or glamorous stories. It will just be me, being me. A little extra, and very ordinary. (Shout out to the FBC Chatt folks that know where I first heard the term Extra Ordinary) I will be talking about whatever has been, currently is, or will be a part of my story. Maybe even other people’s stories, if they’ll let me! Any story that I think will bring people together, and make at least one person feel heard.

If you would like to join me on this journey and hear all about my mediocre, amazing, hilarious, messy life, join me here!

I hope it brings you joy, laughter, and so much hope.

Bring your tissues, best sense of humor, and very very low expectations!

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